Thursday, 7 May 2020

Kapakapanui & Thornhill's Hut, Tararua FP, Apr 2017

A day out with Nicola and Flo

Kapakapanui Hut

Kapakapanui 1,102m

Hydrology Station

Thornhill's Hut is around 100m vertical below the scrub that tops the Kapakapanui range. It's within 50m of the track, but invisible from it.

The hut was apparently built by a local resident and dates to the 1980's.  It was apparently used as a base for possuming, so has also been referred to as Possumer's Hut.

Thornhill's Hut

1 comment:

  1. I have a ghost story involving the Kapakapanui hut and a dog....
