Sunday, 13 December 2020

Cow Creek, Tararua FP, Dec 2020

After a bit of a lay-off we're finally back into the Tararua's for a weekend with Nicola and Charlie, and good friends Nicholas and Missy.

Take me to the hills Dad (Shot by Missy)

Original plans had us heading toward Otaki Forks, but once again the access road is closed.  

Forecasts of scattered rain and high winds indicated that we should stay low, having had our full of high winds on the tops for 2020, and so our plan was to head over Blue Range into the Waingawa and up the river to Arete Fork Hut for Saturday evening.

We managed a 0700 start from the Kiriwhakapapa Road aiming for Cow Creek Hut for lunch. 

The ladies looking luscious

The walk into Cow Creek disappeared easily as there was much to discuss: urban planning, plot ratios and politics.  The wind and chill on the ridge kept us in two layers for most of the trip, however it quickly warmed up as we dropped off toward the river. 

With many of the countries problems resolved, or at least well debated, we made Cow Creek for a well deserved lunch just before noon. 

The Smith's sexing it up for the screen (Waingawa bridge at Cow Creek)

A recent sprained ankle was causing Nicola some serious pain on the walk in, so we decided that the trip along to Arete Forks Hut would be stupid, particularly given our summer plans.  That ankle has to be 100% by February.

So we decided to stay at Cow Creek for the night, but for Nicholas, Missy and I to see if we could get to Arete Forks and back before we were either too buggered or it was dark.

Giant bracket fungi

The track from Cow Creek to Arete Forks sidles the TR of the Waingawa, climbing quickly to 800m before dropping in and out of six significant creeks.

One of the six creeks to be crossed between Cow Creek and Arete Forks Hut

While not to far on the map, we soaked up three hours getting to creek number five and our pre-determined turn-around time.  Bugger as I reckoned we needed probably 40 minutes more to get to the hut.  It'll be there for another day.  

Our turn-around point - bugger

Arriving back at the hut early evening we were glad to have secured a bed.  Nicola had spent her afternoon attending to her ankle then entertaining the 12 other visitors to the six bed hut.

Whilst it was a fine evening, a few arrived without camping gear so the hut accommodated 10 (four on the floor), four camped, and two made a late dash for Mitre Flats, some three hours away.

Sunday morning involved a sleep-in as we waited for the four on the floor to make some room, then we breakfasted outside.

Caption this . . .

Sunday was a better weather day.

Waingawa River at Cow Creek

Just below the hut

As always, a weekend in the bush with Nicholas is a learning experience.  Discussion ranged from economics and the environment, to whether I'm woke or not, and from the Treaty of Waitangi to alliterations (see photo captions).  I am wiser for his company.

Missy's portrait shot